2021 OBB Wahoo Charity Cup

2021 OBB Wahoo Charity Cup

The Old Bahama Bay Wahoo Charity Cup 2021 is actually the postponed tournament from November of 2020, and will take place on February 4th-6th at OBB Resort & Marina in West End Grand Bahama to benefit Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI.

In 2019, a total of 37 boats registered, and Team LLANGUS earned first place overall with a 132.7lb three-fish aggregate. Second place went to CORKS CREW with a 130.7 lb aggregate and biggest tuna at 24.2 lbs. 45’ Gamefisherman CHIEF placed third place overall with 126.4 pounds of wahoo.

The first year of the tournament paid out over $40,000 in prize money and raised over $105,000 for Leukemia and Lymphoma NI.

Schedule of Events

Thursday February 4th, 2021

4:00 pm- 6:00 pm: Boat check in and registration

6:00 pm: Captains meeting cocktails & appetizers

Friday February 5th, 2021

6:30 am: Boats can depart marina and start fishing, must be back to scales by 4:00 pm

Sat February 6th, 2021

6:30 am: Boats can depart marina and start fishing, must be back to scales by 4:00 pm

Scales will be open from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm each day, must be to scale by 4:00 pm

7:00 pm: Dinner and silent auction awards and tournament party to follow

Register today by going HERE.

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