Dust'em Off Sailfish Warmup Kicks Off Sailfish Tournament Season

Dust'em Off Sailfish Warmup Kicks Off Sailfish Tournament Season

After being postponed in November due to extreme weather, the Dust’Em Off Sailfish Warmup kicks off sailfish season in South Florida this week.

A much anticipated tournament known for its focus more on the experience of fishing with your crew, family, and friends, Dust’Em Off started off as “bar talk” between friends of Captain Ben Sharpe while venting about frustrations of formality and unreasonable entry prices amongst the tournament scene.

In its 9th year, trusted friend Courtney Bowden has now taken the helm as tournament director and has modified a few rules and schedule in order to adhere to Covid-19 guidelines.

This will be a pure sailfish tournament as there will be no weigh-in due to covid restrictions, and video validation will be through a tournament phone app instead of through SD cards. The awards will also be virtual, steamed on Sunday, December 6th on Facebook and Instagram.

Dust’Em Off Sailfish Warmup supports the Mahogany Youth Corporation, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering youth through fishing and marine biology education.

Here is the revised schedule of events & tournament info:

Dates: December 2-5, 2020.

The captains meeting(s) will be held on the following:

Wednesday, Dec. 2 (South location: Bob Hewes Boats • 12565 NW 7th Ave, North Miami, Fl 33168 • 5:30-8:30p)

(The parts dept at Bob Hewes will stay open late if any team needs last minute items)

Thursday, Dec. 3 (North location: Viking Service Center • 1550 Ave C, Riviera Beach, Fl 33404 · 6:00-9:00p)

Friday, Dec. 4 (prep day)

Saturday, Dec. 5 (fishing & awards format TBA)

Please help us spread the word. Entry fee will remain $500 until Dec. , and registration & calcuttas are open at both captains meetings!

For more information, go here: https://www.dustemoffsailfish.com/

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