Production Begins on First Release Boatworks 42' Flybridge

Production Begins on First Release Boatworks 42' Flybridge

Production has officially begun for the first Release Boatworks 42' Flybridge. The design for this model has been engineered for years and highly anticipated, but hasn't been finalized until recently. Another collaboration with renowned naval architect Erwin Gerards, the Release Boatworks 42’ Custom Sportfish was designed in true RBW fashion around a large cockpit equipped for serious sportfishing, but will offer lofty sleeping accommodations for three in a queen plus over/under bunk below deck.

The most recent Release builds have been walkarounds due to the high demand for South Florida sailfishing yachts capable of kitefishing in tournaments next to center consoles. However, the 42’ Dayboat Flybridge will provide more space in the cabin for berthing and an enclosed optional lower station for more comfortable long trips. In the compact maneuverable size of a 42’, this family-friendly battlewagon still provides everything for a low maintenance successful day offshore, or planned out overnight trips to the Bahamas.

Fishing on the 42’ Dayboat Flybridge will be focused on serious angler amenities with plenty of room for a fighting chair or rocket launcher setup in the center of the cockpit, and the gunwales are the perfect height for both angler safety and crew convenience for a successful billfish release. Large insulated fishboxes, dead bait freezers, livewells, and outriggers are all engineered for optimal placement.

Our first 42' will be named "Bobo" in loving memory of the owner's father, and will call Pensacola, Florida her home port.

The 42’ Release Boatworks Dayboat Flybridge is projected to be one of the most popular custom sportfish available, and RBW is currently securing build slots for the coming year.

For more information, call 833-FISH-RBW!

Author: Lacey Hagler

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