This is our latest 3D rendering of our Release 46 Walk Around. Be on the lookout for this rendering on the back cover of Marlin Magazines Miami Boat Show issue hitting the shelves in January!
Real Fishboxes!
We often hear that today’s boats and especially POD drive boats do not have big enough fish boxes. I think we can eliminate any doubt about fitting a big Tuna or Wahoo in our fish boxes. As you can see here….our Naval Architect Erwin Gerards made sure that we can fit very large fish in our boxes. We offer 600 …
46 Construction Update
Our Release 46 construction is moving along quite well. As you can see our bulkheads are in place and yesterday our first of two fuel tanks arrived. She is coming along quite well and will be pulled from her hull mold very soon. Additionally, below is a photo of our team working through the lamination process of the Walk Around …
46 Cockpit Perspective
After getting to look at nearly every competitors boat in the mid-40’s range we thought it would be wise to highlight the size of our cockpit. The Release 46 measures in at 130 inches deep…that compares to most boats in the 60-70+ range. With most competitors in the 45-52′ range coming in at 95-105″ from the mezzanine to the transom…we …
46 Deck Cap
Many new parts are nearing completion and the boat is coming together quickly. As you can see from this photo, we are in process of putting the two halves together for the final fit of the Release 46 deck cap.
The Infusion Process
Illustrated below are photos of the various steps in the actual infusion process from start to finish. Total time elapsed to actually infuse the 46 hull is just over an hour.
Infusion Set Up
Below you can see our team carefully installing all the final necessary hoses to begin the infusion process.
Foam Coring Installation
Today our team is installing the closed cell foam in the Release 46 hull mold in preparation for infusion.
46 Hull Infusion Update
Today our team is continuing the installation of the “dry” materials in preparation for the infusion process. You can see the various biaxial and triaxial woven fiberglass cloth and composite cores that are to be installed. Additionally, only the best cloth materials, composite cores, Kevlar, carbon and Vinylester resins are utilized in state-of-the-art Vacuum Infused Resin (VIR) molding process utilized …
46 Hull Lamination Begins
Our team has completed spraying the gel coat and has begun to install the first layers of materials into our 46 Hull Mold. Soon we will begin to dry fit all the remaining materials in preparation for the infusion process.